Thai Authorized Customs Brokers Association and Professional Qualification System and Occupationa
Thailand Professional Qualification Institute is the government agency operating under the direction of the Prime Minister. Its major duties are to promote, support, and develop professional qualification system, prepare the occupational standard by the group of professionl presons, and provide preformance certification to emphasize professionalism according to the standard stipulated, to provide the opportunity of the progress of both domestic and foreign works by the international course, including to act as the information network to propel the workforce development of the country by professional qualification system which is ready for independent labor mobilization in ASEAN community.
Thai Authorized Customs Brokers Association is a non-profit association established to be the center and representative of the mass members towards the third-party organization since 1998. Therefore, the Thai Customs has foreseen the significance of the Association as the representative of all customs brokers. Additionally, the Association has bee contributing to providing useful information for government agencies and carrying forward to originate the rules beneficial for domestic importation and exportation. In this regard, to build its trustworthiness, it is the major duty of Thai Authorized Customs Brokers Association to enhance the competences of the representatives of the customs brokers with transparency and international standard. Hence, the Association acts as another singnificant gear in pushing forward the professional qualification system and the occupational standard by the real professional expert with the cooperation from Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (Public Organization) form the participation as a member of the Advisory Committee for the deveviopment of logistics workforces, participation in the systemization of occupational standard and professional qualification in the fields of exportation and importation, desing of assessment tools, delegating the professional experts to act as the examiners, and the Association is also certified by Thailand Professional Qualification Institute (Public Organization) as theorganization obligated to certify personal performance under each occupational standard in the field of logistics, the division of exportation and importation management.
Thailand Professional Qualification Institute is the government agency operating under the dirction of the Prime Minister. Ist major duties are to promote, support, and develop professional qualification system, prepare the occupational standard by the group of professional persons, and provide performance certification to emphasize professionalism according to the stadard stipulated, to provide the opportunity of the progress of both domestic and foreign works by the international course, including tonact as the information network to propel the workforce development of the country by professional qualification system which is ready for independent labor mobilization in ASEAN Community.
1. To conduct research and development of professional qualification system.
2. To promote and support occupational or professional groups in preparing occupational standara;
3. To provide certification on foreign occupational standard and apply it as the occupational standard under This Royal Decree;
4. To provide certification of the organization obligated to provide certification on personal performance according to the occuptionalstandard;
5. To act as the data center concerning professional qualification system and occupational standard;
6. To follow up and assess the organizations obligated to provide certification on personalperformance according to the occupational standard including the professional qualification system to cause transparent and fair execution;
7. To promote, support, cooperate with educational institutions, training centers or institutions, establishments, other domestic and foreign public and private entities in order to cause dissemination and utilization of professional qualification system and to arrange the training according to the occupational standard.